But for this one i Have something to say.
CRAP-com has teamed up with an oversea developer Ninja theory. Ninja theory is the company that made the games Heavenly Sword And Enslaved. Hevenly Sword was a PS3 launch title. many gamers compared this game to the popular God Of War, which was a fantastic game. Heavenly Swords Protagonist was a women. YEAH you herd me a WOMEN. not being sexist or anything but that game was whack if you have the skill you can beat the game in three to four hours. Me I beat it in two and a half hours. the combat was flashy but simplistic the enemies where easy even on the hardest difficultly. the story line was apparent but lacking. And Enslaved I never played but basically its the story of Journey to the west in a futuristic world. Journey to the west is the story of son wukong or son goku in japan.
Capcom went to Ninja theory because they said "Ninja theory because of the good impression their previous game Heavenly Sword had on Capcom staff. Jones stated that Capcom executives appreciated the way Ninja Theory builds games around the characters and not vice-versa: in the interview he stated that "Outside of creating just amazing looking art, Ninja Theory really do embed narrative in their games in a way that is relatively sophisticated, Japanese game design also starts with a character and then builds a game out from there." (wikipedia.org)
On top of Capcom looking outside for developers they remodeled Dante the main protagonist THIS pissed a lot of fans off:
(photo taken from wikipedia.org)
It looks better. but I for one miss the old Dante edit. the red trench-coat wearing Demon-slaying Silver-haired Bad-ass. but it's a re-boot of the series. so YEAH thanks for reading my little rant and look forward to the others.
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